måndag 3 maj 2010
You cannot be serious
After the race on Saturday I felt some knee pain and that is still with me today. It is the left knee. My right one is now heeled and fine. But I can't believe the bad luck I am having since I switched to SPD.
The pain is nowhere near as bad as last time so this is a minor thing. This knee pain plus the fact that I get calf cramps every time I stand up suggests that my bike position is all wrong again. So it is time to put the MTB on the trainer again and adjust. So I will see about next weekend. For the sake of Billingeracet I may switch down to HSport for the 2 XC races.
The pain is nowhere near as bad as last time so this is a minor thing. This knee pain plus the fact that I get calf cramps every time I stand up suggests that my bike position is all wrong again. So it is time to put the MTB on the trainer again and adjust. So I will see about next weekend. For the sake of Billingeracet I may switch down to HSport for the 2 XC races.

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- 7 nov - Göteborg Slottsskogsvallen
- 13 nov - SM Kumla
- 14 nov - Söderköping
- 28 nov - Luciacrossen
- 8 jan - Södra Sandby
MTB marathons 2010
- 29 maj Den Långa Dagen 90km - Ludvika
- 5 juni Raumerrittet 84 km - Oslo
- 12 juni Farrisrunden 70 km - Larvik
- 11 juli Mörksuggejakten 70 km - Rättvik
- 14 aug CykelVasan 90km - Mora
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- Hökensåsracet - Tidaholm (H sen)
- Högaliden race - Hjo (H sen)
- 1:a maj loppet - Kvänum (H sen)
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About Me
Sveriges minsta cykelblogg!
Chris 'Cross' Pickering...elitmotiönar cyclist. Svengelska blogg on cycling from a Canadian point of view. I race for Mölndals CK at the elitmotionär level and especially love MTB and cyclocross. So join me for plenty of CX links and stories of my journey throughout the year. Du kan skriva på svenska om du vill kommentera. Or you can email me at hejchris2 @ gmail.com if you have something to ask but would rather not comment.
2 kommentarer:
calf cramps could be cleats too far forwards (common mistake)
Knee pain, misalignment of the cleats, or brought on by the calf cramps......
Try some pedals with float (i use Times, the do a pretty good job of protecting my already broken knees)
This is the kind of tip I was trying to find!
I can agree that the knee pain was a direct result of the calf cramp. That explains one pain. The bruise can be explained by a tree...
I will try the cleats tonight and see how that works.
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