lördag 8 maj 2010
Högaliden race report
Already from driving up the road to park at Högaliden, I knew that today would be about hills. I took a relaxed test lap and thought it was quite a nice course. This was mostly trails covered in pine needles and not so many nasty rock parts. It was the kind of trails they put in långlopp so for the sake of practice for Billingeracet next week, I stayed in HSenior. Yes, 3x4.5km.
My start went much better today since my shoe clicked in and I did not lose so much time. I was still last by the end of the straight but I was definitely with the rest. Then there was a sharp right and drop into a fun little singletrack and I could slowly see everyone disappear. I was going quite fast but there were so many long and gradual hills that by the time I was finished half a lap I was hurting.
There was one rocky uphill bit that was tough and since I knew that the F 15-16 were right behind, I just jumped off the bike, got out of the way and ran up instead. I think it is time to give up on Öijertekniken because it is not helping anymore. The second lap was absolutely horrible and I had no strength in my body. So I probably am sick but yet I raced anyway. When I reached the rocky part some P 15-16 riders wanted to lap me so yet again I was off the bike. But I was worried of getting lapped by someone in my race so I kept up and made it to Lap 3. Yes, Lap 3. I was getting the hang of it by Lap 3 except I was dead on the hills. And when I reached the rocky bit there were people behind me again. This time, though, it was people warming up so I didn't move. Let me finish my race. And that I did. With an agonizing ride across the muddy grass field and up to the finish area, I could hear the cheers from fellow MCKare and that was all I needed to make a good finish... 1:05:31 is a pathetic time but it was good for 17th since only 17 started. And 17th = lots of points. =)
It was a tough day for others in Mölndals CK with lots of bike problems and asthma symptoms. But my former club MTB Täby did very well in H40. I have been lapped many times by Erik Vrang and company in club races.
There should be some pictures soon too...
My start went much better today since my shoe clicked in and I did not lose so much time. I was still last by the end of the straight but I was definitely with the rest. Then there was a sharp right and drop into a fun little singletrack and I could slowly see everyone disappear. I was going quite fast but there were so many long and gradual hills that by the time I was finished half a lap I was hurting.
There was one rocky uphill bit that was tough and since I knew that the F 15-16 were right behind, I just jumped off the bike, got out of the way and ran up instead. I think it is time to give up on Öijertekniken because it is not helping anymore. The second lap was absolutely horrible and I had no strength in my body. So I probably am sick but yet I raced anyway. When I reached the rocky part some P 15-16 riders wanted to lap me so yet again I was off the bike. But I was worried of getting lapped by someone in my race so I kept up and made it to Lap 3. Yes, Lap 3. I was getting the hang of it by Lap 3 except I was dead on the hills. And when I reached the rocky bit there were people behind me again. This time, though, it was people warming up so I didn't move. Let me finish my race. And that I did. With an agonizing ride across the muddy grass field and up to the finish area, I could hear the cheers from fellow MCKare and that was all I needed to make a good finish... 1:05:31 is a pathetic time but it was good for 17th since only 17 started. And 17th = lots of points. =)
It was a tough day for others in Mölndals CK with lots of bike problems and asthma symptoms. But my former club MTB Täby did very well in H40. I have been lapped many times by Erik Vrang and company in club races.
There should be some pictures soon too...

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Important entries
MTB marathons 2012
- Dalsland X-Country
- Karolinertrampet
- Farrisrunden
- Mörksuggejakten
Ski marathons 2011
- UlricehamnsLoppet 40km
CX races in 2010/2011
- 25 sept - Tidan
- 2 okt - GBGcrossen 1
- 10 okt - GBGcrossen 2
- 16 okt - Falun
- 17 okt - Ludvika
- 23 okt - Lidköping
- 30 okt - Stockholm Kungsan
- 31 okt - Stockholm Frescati
- 6 nov - Borås
- 7 nov - Göteborg Slottsskogsvallen
- 13 nov - SM Kumla
- 14 nov - Söderköping
- 28 nov - Luciacrossen
- 8 jan - Södra Sandby
MTB marathons 2010
- 29 maj Den Långa Dagen 90km - Ludvika
- 5 juni Raumerrittet 84 km - Oslo
- 12 juni Farrisrunden 70 km - Larvik
- 11 juli Mörksuggejakten 70 km - Rättvik
- 14 aug CykelVasan 90km - Mora
Other races 2010
- Hökensåsracet - Tidaholm (H sen)
- Högaliden race - Hjo (H sen)
- 1:a maj loppet - Kvänum (H sen)
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About Me
Sveriges minsta cykelblogg!
Chris 'Cross' Pickering...elitmotiönar cyclist. Svengelska blogg on cycling from a Canadian point of view. I race for Mölndals CK at the elitmotionär level and especially love MTB and cyclocross. So join me for plenty of CX links and stories of my journey throughout the year. Du kan skriva på svenska om du vill kommentera. Or you can email me at hejchris2 @ gmail.com if you have something to ask but would rather not comment.
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