fredag 4 februari 2011

Skiing vs cycling...the conflict continues

It seems like the two sports of skiing and cycling are in conflict with each other and I am straddling a dangerous line by doing a bit of both. Or is this just like LVG vs MTB? A quick look through most results lists shows that many top MTB marathon riders are also pretty good at skiing. And I would agree that skiing keeps my MTB muscles going during the winter and it is more fun than running. Or it could be frustration among cyclists in general. No one wants a cyclist to ride on the road and no media covers cycling. Skiers receive all the praise and are national heros.

In my case, I need to take a break from cycling once in awhile and do something else. In case you haven't noticed, I am racing quite a bit and I am sorry to say that towards the end of CX season I felt it was too much. That was mostly the snow and the fact that I am not so great at riding in snow. I tend to have the same reaction after too much XC...mostly there because I am so bad at it. So I am all for alternative training in other types of sports.

So my cycling readers...what is it about skiing that is annoying? Post a comment below. I will start...those bags you wear around your waist are silly. =)

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...


hejchris sa...

I see. The main problem with skiing is that you don't have a bike? Excellent point!

MTB marathons 2012

  • Dalsland X-Country
  • Karolinertrampet
  • Farrisrunden
  • Mörksuggejakten

Ski marathons 2011

  • UlricehamnsLoppet 40km

CX races in 2010/2011

  • 25 sept - Tidan
  • 2 okt - GBGcrossen 1
  • 10 okt - GBGcrossen 2
  • 16 okt - Falun
  • 17 okt - Ludvika
  • 23 okt - Lidköping
  • 30 okt - Stockholm Kungsan
  • 31 okt - Stockholm Frescati
  • 6 nov - Borås
  • 7 nov - Göteborg Slottsskogsvallen
  • 13 nov - SM Kumla
  • 14 nov - Söderköping
  • 28 nov - Luciacrossen
  • 8 jan - Södra Sandby

MTB marathons 2010

  • 29 maj Den Långa Dagen 90km - Ludvika
  • 5 juni Raumerrittet 84 km - Oslo
  • 12 juni Farrisrunden 70 km - Larvik
  • 11 juli Mörksuggejakten 70 km - Rättvik
  • 14 aug CykelVasan 90km - Mora

Other races 2010

  • Hökensåsracet - Tidaholm (H sen)
  • Högaliden race - Hjo (H sen)
  • 1:a maj loppet - Kvänum (H sen)

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About Me

Sveriges minsta cykelblogg!

Chris 'Cross' Pickering...elitmotiönar cyclist. Svengelska blogg on cycling from a Canadian point of view. I race for Mölndals CK at the elitmotionär level and especially love MTB and cyclocross. So join me for plenty of CX links and stories of my journey throughout the year. Du kan skriva på svenska om du vill kommentera. Or you can email me at hejchris2 @ if you have something to ask but would rather not comment.
