måndag 30 november 2009
Cervélo vs Ridley
Next spring I will need a new landsväg bike since my CX is not really that useful on the road. My first crazy goal of the 2010 season will be the motionär version of Ronde van Vlaanderen in April down in Belgium. Then later on after my MTB långlopp races I hope to race tempo since that was perfect preparation for my cross season.
So which bike to choose...tough call indeed. I have narrowed it down to these two:

The first is the new Cervélo S1, a fine Canadian bike which can make me feel a bit patriotic to my home country.

And the second is the Ridley Phaeton R which will certainly be more accepted in Belgium.
Both are the new Ultegra and the wheels are the same. Both claim to have special aerodynamic frames but I have never tested either so I have no idea. Which would you suggest?
So which bike to choose...tough call indeed. I have narrowed it down to these two:

The first is the new Cervélo S1, a fine Canadian bike which can make me feel a bit patriotic to my home country.

And the second is the Ridley Phaeton R which will certainly be more accepted in Belgium.
Both are the new Ultegra and the wheels are the same. Both claim to have special aerodynamic frames but I have never tested either so I have no idea. Which would you suggest?

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About Me
Sveriges minsta cykelblogg!
Chris 'Cross' Pickering...elitmotiönar cyclist. Svengelska blogg on cycling from a Canadian point of view. I race for Mölndals CK at the elitmotionär level and especially love MTB and cyclocross. So join me for plenty of CX links and stories of my journey throughout the year. Du kan skriva på svenska om du vill kommentera. Or you can email me at hejchris2 @ gmail.com if you have something to ask but would rather not comment.
2 kommentarer:
Hej Chris
Ja det var ett svårt val, jag älskar ju Ridley så det enkla hade varit att säga det. Men...Patrioter är vi ju också så min enkla röst blir Cervelo.
Önskar dig en fin och vit jul.
Iron Abe (Sven)
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